Thursday, February 4, 2010

My Own Little World

We all have our own unique, little miniature world.

Quote by Marxhausen during interview for "Time Lines."

You've probably seen a lot of t-shirts with funny messages printed boldly on the front. Some of those shirts can be insipid, but one I've seen which I can identify with says this: "I live in my own little world, but that's okay, they know me there."

Often, I find myself slipping off into my own little world, sometimes even something in a conversation can spark my imagination, and suddenly I'm gazing at nothing. I agree with Marxy that everyone has there own little world; it's just that some people spend more time there than others. For an artist, this time spent reflecting on what our eyes have taken in is even more important.

When Leonardo da Vinci was in the process of painting his ill-fated masterpiece, The Last Supper, one of the monks grew impatient because Leonardo spent so much time staring blankly and seemingly getting nothing accomplished. Leonardo defended himself in a sharp letter to the monk's superior, explaining that these times of mental contemplation were even more important than applying the paint.

One of my Professors explained that painting is an intellectual process; you have to have a plan.

It seems to me when Marxhausen went into his own little world, it was because he was observing something fleetingly beautiful in nature. He spent hours talking about his ideas of beauty and light in interviews for documentaries, and that was a recurring theme. When he spent time in his own little world, Marxy could find art in pencil boxes, coat hangers, and piles of napkins.

- Duncan