[Edit: I learned from his wife that these are not pajamas. They are "Harlequin" pants, colored red, black, and white, that she made special for him.]
This wooden object use to be in the Campus Center. None of the older professors thought Marxhausen built it, but was it one of his students?
This page shows how students were involved in chapel. When I interviewed Dr. Serk, she recalled that attendance at chapel was mandatory, students had assigned seats, and there were chapel checkers to ensure students were in their right seat. This yearbook came several years after she was a student. Do any alumni recall if this was the policy in 1968, or does this particular chapel ring a bell? A large pile of junk was created, which the pastor used to illustrate his topic. Could Marxhausen have designed it, or at least have worked with the art students who made it?
The trend I'm noticing in the yearbook pictures of Marxhausen is that he is always working!