This is a model for the mural in the Lincoln Community Playhouse, which I wrote about here.
[Edit: I just learned that this red pipe was constructed by Reinhold's son, Karl Marxhausen.]
John the Revelator, work by a student
A place where his work can live
This is the beginning of a new project. Maybe you knew Reinhold Marxhausen; maybe you are a family friend or you were a student of his. You've got a favorite memory about him, and a story to tell. Or it could be that you just came upon this site searching through the myriad blogs in cyberspace. In either case, look around. Find out about this man. You certainly won't leave how you came.
Our plans for this site are to
1) create a space where information is shared about projects that he has done and
2) to make it interactive; we want you to tell us what you remember about Marxy.