
About Marxy

Reinhold Peiper Marxhausen was a professor of art at Concordia University in Seward, Nebraska. He taught from 1951- 1990. He was known to many as Marxy or Marx. 
Marx is a native of Minnesota, where he was born in 1922, the son of a Lutheran pastor. He served in the Army during World War II and after the war, he entered Valparaiso University, earning a degree in biology in 1950. Following his graduation, he attended the Chicago Art Institute, where he began to seriously develop his interest in art. He earned a Master of Fine Arts degree from Mills College in Oakland, California, in 1962 and he also studied under Max Weber and Millard Sheets.
In 1953, Marx married a college coed, Dorris Steinbrueck from Blackburn, Missouri who graduated from Concordia and taught as an elementary teacher in California and Nebraska. The Marxhausens have two sons, Karl and Paul.
During his life, his most well-known works include the two murals at the Nebraska state capital. He led many workshops and conferences and was known for his energetic teaching--he had a gift of seeing beauty in common everyday things. He did many pieces for churches, and he did many sounds sculptures, among which the Stardust are the most well known.